Struggling to walk in alignment?

Struggling to walk in alignment?

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"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans.12:2)

Being "chosen" is more than just title, it's a commitment to walk in alignment with God's purpose for our lives. Now, we all know that walking in alignment is not a walk in the park. Following God is HARD. However, Romans 12:2 serves as a guiding light, teaching us how we can transform our minds and walk in alignment with the purposes of God. Let's break it down and explore five practical tips to apply this Biblical principle.

Renew Your Mind 

The verse encourages us to renew our minds, meaning a continuous process of growth and self-reflection. Start by cultivating a habit of daily meditation, prayer, or reflection exercises. This practice clears any clutter and aligns your thoughts with positivity and purpose.

Guard Your Influences

Our environment shapes us more than we realize. Be intentional about the media you consume, the company you keep, and the environments you frequent. Surround yourself with positivity, wisdom, and inspiration to reinforce your alignment with your values and goals.

Challenge Your Assumptions

Often, we're held back by limiting beliefs and poor mindsets. Take time to question your assumptions about yourself, others, and the world around you. Embrace a growth mindset that welcomes change and challenges, allowing you to heed the will of God on your journey.

Act with Purpose

Alignment isn't just about thoughts; it's also about actions. Live each day with intentionality, aligning your actions with the will of God for your life. Whether it's small acts of kindness or big leaps of faith, let your actions reflect the person God created you to be.

Seek Guidance and Community

None of us walk this path alone. Surround yourself with mentors and a community of believers who can offer guidance, accountability, and encouragement. Share your journey with others, and together, you can navigate the twists and turns of life with greater clarity and purpose.


In essence, Romans 12:2 calls us to a life of alignment—a life where our thoughts, actions, and direction aligns with the will of God. By renewing our minds, guarding our influences, challenging our assumptions, acting with purpose, and seeking guidance, we can walk this path with confidence, knowing that we're allowing God to make the necessary changes in us.